In the realm of contemplation, I am inclined to avoid hasty dismissals, ensuring that valuable insights are not carelessly discarded. Even if an author fails to resonate with me on a personal level, I find it within myself to honour the wisdom they possess. Similarly, though I may approach the concept of channelling with a certain degree of skepticism, I maintain an openness to receiving wisdom should it manifest itself.
This serves me when the answers I seek prove elusive, and this is particularly true when in come to information about tantra for women! In my ongoing and longstanding quest, I could not easily find documented information on the role of female energy in attaining transcendental states. It is plausible that my search has been misguided. Still, a glimmer of hope emerged when I stumbled upon a book known as The Magdalen Manuscript, a channelled work by Tom Kenyon attributed to Mary Magdalen.
The Magdalen Manuscript was not my first encounter with Tom Kenyon's writings. A friend had previously gifted me another channelled work by Kenyon called the Hathor Material. At that time, having recently completed in-depth Yoga Teaching Training and possessing a considerable aptitude for Pranayama, I could discern a significant leap in my personal growth upon practising the breathing techniques outlined in the book. This was not merely theoretical knowledge; rather, it was a tangible, experiential transformation that I immediately noticed. Consequently, my curiosity deepened, and I yearned to explore further the suggestions put forth by Tom Kenyon.
Thus, it was through this trajectory that I came across the Magdalen Manuscript—an intriguing volume chronicling the tantric practices employed by Mary Magdalen alongside Jesus to facilitate his journey through the process of death. Admittedly, this revelation triggered a measure of caution within me. I harboured doubts regarding the existence of Jesus, let alone his alleged triumph over death. Over time, my readings have acquainted me with various theories surrounding this historical figure, ranging from outright fabrication to the hypothesis that his character was a composite of multiple lives. Yet, in truth, I possess no personal stake in this debate. Ultimately, the authenticity of Jesus is of secondary importance compared to the profound wisdom associated with him, regardless of his true nature or origins.
This, indeed, lies at the crux of my argument. The story in the Magdalen Manuscript resonated with me deeply and captured my imagination. Moreover, when I ventured to practice the techniques in the book, I experienced a difference—well, let's just say it surpassed my ordinary encounters with similar pursuits : ).
Similar to the Hathor material, the efficacy of the teaching spoke for itself, irrespective of its origin. Magdalen says in the manuscript, "For now I tell you that within the heart and the mind and the body wisdom of the feminine lies some of the greatest secrets and greatest powers, and they wait to be revealed." This is true. I was full of revelation!
Mary Magdalen directed her energies toward the strengthening of Jesus's Ka body. The Ka, as conceived in ancient Egypt, represents the vital essence distinguishing the living from the deceased. Death occurs when the ka departs from the physical form. The objective here was to invigorate Jesus's Ka to such an extent that, following the demise of his corporeal vessel, his essence would remain intact, precluding its dissolution into the vast ocean of existence. This enabled Jesus to reappear and share his wisdom during his afterlife, which strangely helped me make sense of the Sunday School narratives.
Now, while one may not need to prioritize energizing their lover's Ka on a typical Thursday evening, the practices elucidated within the Magdalen Manuscript yield additional benefits beyond the sheer bliss of such encounters. Profound revelations may unfold within these transformative moments. I have previously expounded upon this topic in my earlier post titled "Beyond Ecstasy to Gnosis," should you wish to delve further, and as previously mentioned, Joanna and Chance will speak to this in their talk on their personal experiences with Kundalini and Ecstasy Gnosis at the Magical Egypt Summit in September.
Speaking of Joanna Kujawa I alluded the other day to her new book, "The Other Goddess," which left a profound impression on me. Within its pages, she also addresses the Magdalen Manuscript. Drawing upon her academic background and familiarity with the intricate details of Mary Magdalen's life, she offers a nuanced skepticism distinct from mine.
Her skepticism does not lead her to discard the insights entirely. Instead, Joanna artfully combines her personal experiences, tantra, kundalini practices, academic research, and a touch of imagination to create a precious work that illuminates the role of the feminine in such endeavours.
Although these notions of transcending death, or Ecstasic Gnosis, may appear too good to be true, Joanna's work assumes significance here. She intertwines scholarly research with her personal experiences, highlighting that while these practices have largely eluded us in contemporary times, they trace their roots back to antiquity and flourished during the era when Mary Magdalen is believed to have lived.
But what of us today? Amid an era marked by rapid societal transformations, where human connections are strained to their limits, and individuals seek solace in artificial companionship rather than human interaction, I am apprehensive about the potential loss of these profound transcendent experiences. It is a future I am reluctant to witness, for these experiences stand as one of the true gifts bestowed upon us in our earthly existence. Herein lies the value of Joanna's work.
In her book, Joanna holds forth a promise. She assures us that we can merge with this sublime state of bliss. If only, even for a fleeting moment, we unite our being with this ecstasy, then in that ephemeral convergence, become one with the very essence of the universe itself. As Joanna says ""Become one with this bliss. If we can become one with this bliss, even for a moment, for that moment, we are one with the essence of the universe."
I cannot emphasize enough the value of Joanna's book, "The Other Goddess," for those intrigued by this subject matter. If you seek further knowledge, Joanna will present a second talk at our forthcoming Summit in September, delving even deeper into the subject at hand. Her talk is aptly titled The Ascension Teachings of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Mysteries of Isis. In this talk Dr Joanna Kujawa will discuss the Ascension teachings encoded in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and their connection with the esoteric traditions of resurrection performed by the Egyptian hierophants to the Initiated. Dr Joanna will discuss the discovery of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, its dating, the perennial teachings on Ascension through the exploration of 4 levels of Consciousness and the role of Isis in the process. She will provide us with practical examples from her own experience as well as those of Paul Brunton during his initiation in the Pyramid of Giza in the 1930sNote for paid Subscribers:
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