Within Magical Egypt, a concept known as the "Church of Progress" arises. First introduced by John Anthony West, the rogue Egyptologist and star of the first series, this notion challenges the prevalent belief that our intelligence and knowledge have reached unparalleled heights in modern times.
In today's world, where the Church of Progress reigns supreme, the notion that past civilizations might have possessed superior, albeit a different kind of intelligence, is often dismissed as heresy. However, as we delve into Magical Egypt, we question this prevailing myth.
Ancient Egypt's awe-inspiring 4,000-year history starkly contrasts our comparatively young and degenerating post-Renaissance civilization. Deteriorating to such an extent says consciousness researcher Tony Wright that if we follow the implications of modern brain research to its astounding conclusion: our culturally acquired left-brain dominance has cost us our sanity
A renowned consciousness researcher, Tony Wright also challenges the dogma of progress, revealing how our modern brains are underperforming. In this essay, we will explore Wright's groundbreaking research and his quest to restore humanity's connection with the brain of Eden.
The Halt in Brain Expansion
Over millions of years, the human brain experienced exponential growth over millions of years, constantly evolving and expanding. However, approximately 200,000 years ago, this expansion abruptly ceased. Modern science has largely overlooked this stagnation, as it clashes with the belief that we are at the pinnacle of our evolutionary journey. Nonetheless, this interruption in brain expansion not only explains recently discovered anomalies within the human brain but also aligns with global traditions of a lost earthly paradise and humanity's fall from grace.
Tony Wright's Extensive Research
Drawing upon more than two decades of research, Tony Wright presents a compelling argument that our modern brains operate far below their potential. In his books, "Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness" and "Left in the Dark: The Biological Origins of the Fall from Grace," he meticulously explores the link between our brain's decline and our disconnection from the natural world.
Wright's research reveals that early forest-dwelling humans thrived on a diet primarily consisting of fruit, the hormone-rich sex organs of plants. Each fruit contained a complex biochemical cocktail evolved to influence DNA transcription, accelerate brain development, and heighten neural and pineal gland activity. However, shifting away from this symbiotic fruit-based diet led to a progressive neurodegenerative condition characterized by aggressive behaviours, a fearful perception of the world, and the suppression of higher artistic, mathematical, and spiritual abilities.
Tony refers to modern research showing that the right brain is far more capable than generally accepted when unfettered by the left brain. For instance, it is responsible for multi-level functions, originality, imagination, deep thinking, self-reflection, musicality, enhanced visual acuity, and even the ability to heal more quickly.
The right hemisphere possesses far more complex abilities than the left. Still, these are generally held in check by the left's inhibitory control, which increases with time, a theme explored in Iain Mc Gilchrists masterwork The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. To illustrate, child musical prodigies and mathematical geniuses can lose a measure of their remarkable abilities as they age and their left hemisphere control becomes stronger. Because of this increasing left-brain dominance over time, we also get more fearful as we age, even though, for the most part, it is kept below the surface.
Tony explains that the left brain is dysfunctional and, because of it, we may struggle with two realities. One is a right hemisphere reality based on accurate perception and experience, and the other is a left hemisphere version based on verbal stories it has made up to cover up conflict and in which it believes totally. Shockingly, research on damaged brains reveals we routinely make our decisions subconsciously, and our left brain (conscious) rationalizations of these choices are pure fiction.
The left brain doesn't experience reality and will always lie to maintain its subjective version. It appears disconnected from a more valid perspective provided by the right hemisphere function, meaning our whole lives may be based on denials, suppressions, and lies - we are all insane, in other words. As Tony points out: is it any wonder that our interpersonal relationships (individually, as groups and even nations) are fraught with difficulties?
Unlocking Our Higher Abilities
In our quest to regain the glory of our ancestral past, Tony Wright presents an intriguing roadmap. He outlines a strategy to reverse our mental degeneration and unleash our advanced abilities by examining recent neurological and psychological studies. This journey involves a return to raw food diets, embracing tantric sexuality, exploring shamanic practices, and harnessing the transformative power of entheogens. By adopting these methods, we can reverse our degeneration, restore our profound connection with the plant kingdom, and rediscover the bliss and peace of the brain of Eden.
In the face of the prevailing Church of Progress, Tony Wright's research offers a paradigm-shifting perspective on human intelligence and potential. Contrary to popular belief, our modern civilization is not the pinnacle of evolution but rather a devolution from a state of ancient wisdom and harmony. By understanding the cessation of brain expansion and its implications, we can embark on a journey of rediscovery, tapping into our higher abilities and reestablishing our profound connection with the natural world.
Tony will speak about his research at the Magical Egypt Summit in September. Tickets are available at https://wow.magicalegyptstore.com/sub1b4