The Earths Angle of Obliquity and Raising the Djed
23.5 Degrees, and the Zodiac. A Conspiracy to Control or a Pathway to Liberation
In Season 3 Episode 4 of Magical Egypt, Gary Osborn discusses a topic that was entirely new for me. I was familiar with precession and the connection between the shifting of the zodiac signs and the idea of the ages of man. For those unfamiliar axial precession is a slow, cyclic motion of the Earth's rotational axis that causes it to trace out a circle for about 26,000 years. The precession of the Earth's axis does not affect the seasons directly, as that is primarily determined by the axial tilt. However, it does have implications for the timing and orientation of the Earth's equinoxes and solstices.
Due to precession, the vernal equinox position (the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator in spring) slowly moves along the ecliptic, completing a full circle through the zodiac over around 26,000 years. The changing position of the equinoxes due to precession has consequences for astrology and the zodiac signs. Over time, the constellations associated with the zodiac signs have shifted, and the dates associated with each sign have also changed. This is often called the "precession of the zodiac" or the "precession of the equinoxes."
This gets interesting because this precession of the equinoxes is tied to another concept known as the "Ages of Humanity" or "Ages of Man,". These are philosophical frameworks that originated in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. It presents a sequential progression of distinct periods representing different stages or qualities of human existence. Here are the commonly recognized ages:
Golden Age (or Age of Gold): The Golden Age is considered the ideal and idyllic period of human history. It is depicted as a time of abundance, harmony, and peace. Humans were said to live in a state of innocence, without disease, toil, or conflict. They were closely connected to the gods and lived in a utopian society.
Silver Age: The Silver Age followed the Golden Age and was characterized by a decline in human qualities and virtue. Humans were believed to be more prone to jealousy, competition, and strife. This age was associated with decreased divine favour, and people became more materialistic and self-centred.
Bronze Age: The Bronze Age marked a further decline in human morality and a rise in violence and warfare. Humans were described as being aggressive and warlike, and the pursuit of power and dominance became prevalent. It is also characterized by great heroes and demigods. Famous figures like Hercules and Theseus are often associated with this age. Metalworking's introduction and weaponry development are also related to this age.
Iron Age: The Age is considered the current age in ancient Greek and Roman frameworks. It represents a period of decline and degeneration. Humans are described as being driven by greed, immorality, and selfishness. This age is marked by social unrest, injustice, and a disconnection from the divine.
These ages are presented linearly, symbolizing the deterioration of human qualities and the distancing of humanity from a primordial state of perfection. They are "allegorical" representations of human history's cyclical nature and civilizations' rise and fall.
This precession is a result of the Earth being tilted. The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbital plane around the Sun. This tilt remains relatively constant over long periods.
But here is where the plot thickens. In 1983, Gary Osborn embarked on his research journey around 1997, encountering numerous references to the Earth's axis and its obliquity, specifically at an angle of 23.5 or 23 degrees.
These references were everywhere, appearing with such frequency that they began to bore Gary due to their pervasive presence in various historical sources. As he continued his research, meticulously documenting and filing them away, he simultaneously focused on studying the paintings themselves and the locations where these references were found.
What intrigued Gary the most was the prevalence of these references in 17th-century paintings, particularly those by Peter Weir. At the time, the prevailing belief held by the Church was that the Earth was at the centre of the universe, perfectly upright, without any tilt. However, the encoded references to the Earth's tilt at 23.5 degrees suggested a different reality altogether. It appeared that individuals possessing scientific knowledge of the Earth's geophysics were conveying this angle as the true condition of the Earth, and they had encoded this knowledge within the paintings.
Further research conducted by Gary revealed that references to the Earth's obliquity existed even before the Church's influence. Greek philosophers, for instance, considered the Earth's tilt an unnatural deviation from its original upright state. Moreover, they believed that this tilt severed the connection between humanity and the heavens, disrupting the alignment with the northern stars.
Symbolically, the depictions of the Earth's tilt and its reconnection with the heavenly realm were portrayed through various means. One example Gary interpreted was the Osiris Myth and the Djed column, symbolizing the backbone and the axis mundi, representing the shamanic pillar. In wall reliefs, he observed depictions of the tilted axis being raised upright by kings, symbolizing the desire to restore the Earth to its vertical position and reconnect with the divine.
Within this context, the figure of Isis played a significant role. As the sister of Osiris, she symbolized the resurrection and reconnection of the backbone, signifying the yearning to reconnect with the Godhead.
Symbolically the raising of the tilted axis was associated with the spring equinox, as the spring and autumn equinoxes are the only two days when the Earth assumed the same condition as if it were upright, representing a continuous state of spring. Why spring? Well, to understand that, we need to dive into The Electric Universe Theory, and we will get there, but not now. Suffice it to say The Electric Universe Theory posits that when the Earth's axial alignment was straight and not tilted, the world maintained a perpetual spring. Would not that have been lovely!
In this imagined state of perpetual spring, the weather would be temperate year-round, reminiscent of a Garden of Eden. As a result, fertility would flourish, and the cycle of life and death would cease to exist. This concept reflected the belief that the Earth had once experienced such a state or should strive to attain it.
The symbolism of the tilted axis also correlated with the esoteric nature of the human spine and the metaphorical ascent through a winding staircase to higher levels of inner development, ultimately leading to a direct experience of the divine. Gary discovered significant parallels between these symbolic representations and Kundalini traditions; this is what we look at in Magical Egypt.
But wait, there is more!
In September, Magical Egypt is holding a Summit, and like all good marketers, I posted a notice that Gary would be speaking on the subject of 23.5. As a result, another Magical Egypt Alumni, Ike Rodriguez, a Sidereal Astrologer, commented on our Facebook Page. And on that discussion, another Magical Egypt Alumni, Thomas Joseph Brown, added his thoughts, and the whole debate took on occult, esoteric and epic proportions.
The germane points are
Earth's 23.5 orbital tilt is congruent with Saturn's; this fits the Mystery Schools concept of the Old Saturn Period.
Does the obliquity of the Earth's axis hold a more profound meaning beyond the knowledge of astronomy?
Can this angle, when combined with the zodiac, reveal the secret to the gift of life or the trap of life on Earth?
Does evidence suggest that the angle of 23.5 degrees encoded in Ancient Egyptian Temples is portraying scenes of attaining high cosmic consciousness?
Why this angle is hidden in ancient artwork from Ancient Egypt to modern secret societies.
Well, how can we not be enthralled! So, as a result, I invited both Ike and Tom to join Gary at the Summit held online in September.
Furthermore, we will question why we follow a zodiac out of alignment with the actual constellations of the same name. Could this be part of a larger scheme to control us?
As we delve deeper into these mysteries, we will consider whether the hidden angle of 23.5 degrees and true zodiac alignment can show us the way out of samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
How cool is that!
But what do you think?
Join us for an engaging exploration of these captivating concepts as we delve into the potential secrets behind the enigmatic angle of 23.5 degrees and its connection to the zodiac. Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey during this session of our live interactive Summit. We invite you to actively participate, sharing your thoughts, posing questions, and immersing yourself in the profound wisdom of these exceptional minds.
To express your interest, see other speakers, or take advantage of early bird pricing for the Summit, please visit
Wow!! This is amazing. I’m so excited to be part of this discussion.
This subject is fascinating and I’d love to hear more depth and discussion. Could well be the force that guides my hand to grab an early bird ticket! 😵💫
As we all fondly enter this new and hopefully last-gasp age of overt disinformation and mind control (bless the cotton socks of those bots) the old methods of secreting higher knowledge for future generations seems pretty moving to me. Zeus! This shit must be important, right?! Where’s all the stone masons at?
There’s no more reason to reconnect with our ancestors than this. All the really cool ones; the Indo-European, pre-Roman, herb-puffing Pagan folks. They put a lot of effort into writing that memo!
While no one can deny the degree of Earth’s axis and our relative unimportance in the universe, there’s a looooong way to go before we’re all frolicking with Angry of Eden, and in the meantime it’s not impossible to imagine that our minds can be made to believe alternative facts again. Or, is this 23.5 degree angle the origination of all manipulation?? Gah! If only I could get my God-head on straight!
Sign me up, Scotty! (Vanese) 🤚