What if it the type of psi experience that needs produced for it to be science and not the exact results?

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sorry honey I do not understand your question

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I mean, just like psychotropic drugs having effects in categories, wouldn't psycho-spiritual phenomenon by techniques be of the same sort of thing in scientific terms. Pathworking Goetia, Shemhamphorash, or Enochian, for example would produce experiences related to subjects, other thoughts, emotions, sensations, and maybe more, but the exact experiences wouldn't make it any less of a scientific illuminism or empirical mysticism.

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Ok now I get you, yes sure! I think you are correct! You have way more experience in these things that I do however : )

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Quite worthy considerations.

I suspect that when a gerneral rationalist empirically devoted populace is opened up to the world of psi phenomena, that the strict flatland rules that the maintainers of the current paradigm currently have a lid on, then that world will start to unravel and another layer begins to reveal itself in startling ways -ways that may permit us to operate in that realm more effectively , without the need for repeating results and old tools. Problem would be, though, that the cat will be outa the proverbial bag, and would-be dark magicians could utilize this same causal realm just as nefariously as they manipulate the machinery given validity by the (current) square earth theories we cling to ( in order mostly to keep our egos from fragmenting).

I guess what I mean is that the current scientific paradigm is just like an ego, or has its own umbrella ego, and that if that ego is shattered by one too many very strange results, it may begin to self-destruct, and if there is one thing an ego most fears, it is that.

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Helllo Glen : ) Why do you think that the black hats are not already in full possession of dark magick? From my observations I believe they are : ) But I do like your observation of science as an ego...or another word for it could be egregore! Our in depth analysis of science coming in our next episode suggests that one is indeed in full operation as we speak, as it shows all of the tell tale signs. And as far as self destruction, the reproducibility crisis suggest to me that science has already begun to self destruct with such a small percentage of experiments being able to be reproduced...but yes what does happen when it completely shatters? I shudder to think! Things are going to get very interesting indeed! Thank you kindly for reading and commenting : ) I love the interaction! xxxx

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I fully believe that there are dark magicians in high places at work already. Though I can’t venture exactly who (WHO?) but collectively, (and consciously or not) their fingerprints are unmistakeable, spilling the beans more than Joe Average would notice. I just meant that when science as we trusted it implodes in inverse relation to the rise of the Woo, that new undisciplined wanna-be acolytes may come on stream in full service to Ahriman, (they already are, unwittingly, of course) who/which relishes the attention -these might be regular people who previously were muggles in the church of John Locke et al, or they could be criminally-minded disenchanted “youths” with a taste for the extraordinary and a need for empowerment. The spiritually weak will always need more power to make up up the void in their heart. Which brings me to your next point:

Egrigore- yes! I agree. The collective mind virus is real. Materialist science is itself a kind of Golem, but one whose continues existence depends on a worship of the method. I suppose that the degree to which we live according to ego ( actually false ego) means we have less of a real handle on the shadow forces that guide our behaviours, only helping to build a scarier mega-monster (as opposed to a transcendent Daemon). I’ve been studying some Steiner lately. His notion of Lucifer is very interesting- another “being” who loves the attention of our higher faculties. I took a course with a Norwegian “wizard” who “sees” all the lost demons lurking in the elemental world, causing cancers and chaos etc. and he has some very simple methods of flooding them with “the love of Christ” on their way home, as opposed to just translocating them as he witnesses other healers do. With this model of interdimensional reality in my vocabulary, I see a time when more awakened humans can combat any dark figure or figment of fragmentation with a confident flourish. A step beyond the popular shamism of tools and techniques, using pure radiant Love to transform reality. “Love your enemy”- isn’t that the dictum we good Christians are supposed to live by, but fail at daily? It could be that easy to deal with the lost ones just in our physical midsts, let alone the Underworld/ Innerworld. Perhaps our belief in the slow, plodding pace of a debauched Science has trained us for mere incremental change with complicated formulae and disappointing results -when we are more powerful than we ever even imagined. Strength in Numbers

Many thanks for your work. I haven’t fully dove into the Magical Egypt project but what I have seen is very impressive, groundbreaking and really quite mindblowing

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You know what I think you might really enjoy? Secrets of Power by Ingo Swann : ) He goes into meticulous detail on how we have come to this, and it makes so much sense! The best part is that he offers a path as well. The powerful require the powerless to have power over : ) I LOVE Steiner, and oh my if Arhiman gets an even greater hold that he has already, gods help us : ) And yes I do believe that energized, discerning, mature, protective, volitional love is key to this whole mess! Again thank you my dear for this lovely conversation!

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